Jacksonville Robbery Lawyer
helps people defend against Robbery allegations.
Just the sound of the word robbery elicits a very violent image, however, many robbery cases are not what the general public thinks of when they think of a typical robbery charge. Often, people are arrested for robbery when they get into an argument with friends, acquaintances, or strangers and they take something they believe belongs to them, like money or other property. Other times, a person may have actually committed a theft, but the State over charged it as a robbery. Or the State may charge Armed Robbery based on nothing but a sole eyewitness who testifies they think the person had a weapon. Every robbery case is different. Call our experienced Jacksonville robbery criminal defense attorney today to discuss your robbery case.
Click on a link below to learn more about the different Robbery laws in the State of Florida:
Click on a link below to learn more about the different Robbery laws in the State of Florida: