Jacksonville No Valid Driver's License Lawyers
helps people defend against
helps people defend against
No Valid Driver's License cases
LGL has an experienced criminal defense attorney in Jacksonville that can help you with your No Valid Driver's License case. A No Valid Driver's License charge is serious because it is a criminal charge that can negatively affect your record and your future. There may be options to protect your record even if you are guilty of the offense.
What is No Valid Driver's License?
No Valid Driver's License is defined in Florida Statute 322.03. To prove that you are guilty of No Valid Driver's License, the State must prove:
1. You drove a motor vehicle upon a highway in this state.
2. At the time, you did not have a valid driver's license recognized by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles of the State of Florida.
What are the potential consequences of a No Valid Driver's License convictions?
No Valid Driver's License is a second degree misdemeanor punishable by up to 60 days in jail and up to $500 fine. Although this is the maximum sentence a judge can render, it is not uncommon for judges in Jacksonville to withhold adjudication and assess the minimum mandatory court costs in cases where there is no or minimal priors.
What are possible defenses to No Valid Driver's License?
A person cannot be convicted of No Valid Driver's License if they present a valid driver's license that was valid at the time of the offense, and they present it to prior to or at the time of his or her court appearance. The clerk is authorized to dismiss the case. Often, the State Attorney's Office will agree to dismiss the case if a person obtains a valid driver's license between the time of the offense and future court dates.
When would I want to plead no contest of guilty to No Valid Driver's License?
Our Jacksonville criminal defense attorney often represent clients charged with driving with a suspended license. If they plead guilty or no contest to driving with a suspended license, their license could be suspended, even if they obtained a good license between the offense date and the date they plead guilty or no contest. To avoid another driver's license suspension, the court and the prosecutor will often agree to amend a driving a suspended license charge to a no valid license charge if the person obtains a valid license. The court will often give the person a reasonable amount of time to pay fines and costs in order to reinstate the driver's license.
What if I am not a U.S. Citizen and don't have lawful status in the United States?
No Valid Driver's License,
Most of the No Valid Driver's License cases we handle involve non-U.S. citizens who do not have lawful status in the United States. Because they don't have lawful status, they are unable to get a driver's license. They may also be afraid to go to court because they are concerned that they will deported. We are often able to resolve the case without the client appearing at court. If you are required to appear at court, your immigration status is rarely an issue. As we practice immigration law, there may be things we can do to help you with your status.
If you have been charged with No Valid Driver's License,
Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney
904-642-3332 (Jacksonville)
407-228-2019 (Orlando)
904-642-3332 (Jacksonville)
407-228-2019 (Orlando)